HSRCArchived Market Reports Counter-IED Companies to Become Acquisition Targets

Counter-IED Companies to Become Acquisition Targets

Small companies with innovative counter-IED technologies can become prime acquisition targets in a fast growing and technology focused counter-IED market. Promising technologies in standoff threat detection areas, as well as innovations in the broader sectors of “Fighting the Network” are forecast to be of most interest. According to Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC) research, 2008-2012 Global Counter-IED Markets and Technologies Forecast released in July 07 in an environment where the technological/tactical evolution of the threat is challenging the evolution of the solution, focus on fast moving innovative solutions will be vital in thwarting this threat.

counter ied technology

No single counter-IED technology will solve the IED threat and/or neturalize it – neither in a low intensity conflict setting, or in an urban setting. What is needed is a mosaic of measures, ground breaking ideas rather than wallet breaking grand projects. In a market that is expected to move from attacking the device to defeating the networks, innovative sensors and out-of-the-box thinking and algorithms that can complement the existing platforms will be in high demand.

Gil Siegel

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